It turns out Falkor did not want his moment in the lime light, well it was more of a grey light really as the weather wasn’t too good either. He would not move leaving our poor bikini model stranded. Maybe next time we should cast him as a statue. What do they say? Never work with animals? We instead had to drive an hour out of town to film with our old friend Charlie T the horse. He used to be our horse from Down, Across & Up and is now living with a new human called Pauline. We took our daughter with us who is two years old. It turns out home made cookies from your lovely mother in law are the trick to keeping a toddler quiet on location although if you listen really carefully you’ll probably hear a quiet chomping noise on the tape. Charlie T was fantastic and put up with all the silliness of the shoot. Thank you so much Pauline for helping us out and shampooing Charlie’s tail until it was an unearthly hue of white. Hue of white? You know what I mean. And thanks to Sue who kept Charlie T’s friend (another horse) in sight so he was happy.