Happy Down, Across & Up Day!

It is difficult to believe that we started our Down, Across & Up adventure, ten years ago today.

By the time we started we had been training the horses and ourselves for a year to get ready and fit for the journey ahead.

It was a beautiful morning as we received our blessing from the local Iwi at the cape just before mounting our horses for the first few steps of the trek. We had no idea of what the next 365 days were going to bring us. We faced a lot of challenges and a lot of good times too. It seemed that every day had its high points and low points.

The first day was true of that as we were full of excitement and adrenaline as the day began and then the extreme low point… but you’ll have to get the book or DVD to find out what that was.

Of course, today also marks the 9 year anniversary of finishing the trek too. We experienced a lot of different emotions when we reached the lighthouse again too. We were happy and proud and yet sad and exhausted too.

We are proud of what we achieved over that year and also of the book and documentary we made of the trip.
We are also very proud that we did it for the charity CanTeen and of the money and awareness we raised for them.

We really could not have achieved all that we did without the help of our sponsors and everyone who helped us throughout the year. We still appreciate each and every one of you, thank you.

Of course the biggest thank you has to be to the horses. They did most of the work as we just sat on their backs or tried to anyway!